Unpleasant sound of traffic lights specially designed for the visually goggle impaired disturbs sleep residents of nearby houses. Chairman of the social support of citizens of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation intends to appeal to proposals for modification goggle of the audio signal to the Department of Transport in Moscow. 12/16/2014, 7:57
Appeal to the capital of the Department of Transport with a proposal to conduct a technical examination of the volume of the audio signal and consider changing it to a more melodic prepared by Chairman of the social support and quality of life of the Public Chamber (OP) Vladimir Slepak. It is reported "Izvestia". As has already been confirmed in office, complaints residents of nearby houses are constantly goggle coming to the reception department, the vast number of people said that this sound prevents goggle them from sleeping.
According to Slepak have painful problem there are many variants of the decision: "For example, in European cities in the evening goggle lowered the volume of the audio signal at the transition. In Japan, as a signal used melodies - as a rule, folk songs. "
News SMI2 Topics of the day December 30, 2014, 22:53 Media: On Zaporizhzhya leaked radiation goggle December 29, 2014, 14:32 Media: In 2015, the fate of the world economy will solve Russia December 30, 2014, 18:58 Archaeologists have found in Tver women's jewelry times Batu's invasion December 30, 2014, 5:32 Media: CPS will track the price of a taxi in the New Year December 29, 2014, 2:27 Media: Relatives Churchill begged him not to convert to Islam in the foreign press
A new level of integration appears in the relationship between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan - from January 1, comes into force an agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEC).> 8:01 Kim Jong-un: US should abandon its hostile policy toward the DPRK
During his New Year's address North Korean leader Kim Jong-un said the United States must abandon "from anachronistic hostile policy toward Pyongyang."> 7:41 Malaysian goggle Navy: Subdivision search for missing aircraft AirAsia in the Java Sea doubled
Neighborhood search for missing aircraft airline AirAsia in the Java Sea doubled, its area is 46.3 thousand sq. M kilometers TASS reported citing a statement goggle Malaysian Navy Commander Abdul Aziz Jaafar.> 07:32 voting ballots in local elections returns column "against all"
From today, comes into force a law that provides for return of ballots column "against all" in the municipal goggle elections. The document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in June this year.> 7:16 Capital Region for the first day of the year waiting for the thaw
Forecasters predict Hydromet cloudiness, precipitation, black ice and icy places in Moscow and the region on January 1st. Moscow will be about zero, the region of -3 C to + 2 C. Western wind of 5-10 m / s, according to TASS.> 6:53 Barack Obama 36 times played golf for the last two weeks
White House spokesman told reporters that President Obama sees off the old year playing golf, staying on vacation in Hawaii.> 6:34 In 2015, the size of the parent capital will amount to 453 thousand. Rubles
From 1 January 2015 23 thousand. Rubles increased the size of the parent capital, now it is 453 thousand. Rubles. Receive the same amount can now resident of the Crimea and Sevastopol, according to TASS.> 6:29 Media: Fire threatens two thousand. Residential houses in the Philippines
Local media have reported a strong fire in Quezon City in the Philippines. According to preliminary data, the fire can cover about two thousand houses, most of which are built illegally. It is reported that at the moment about 30 homes burned to the ground, killing two people.> 6:16 NATO launches non-combat operation in Afghanistan "strongly support"
After the withdrawal goggle of the main NATO troops from Afghanistan The Alliance began non-combat mission, codenamed "strong support".> 5:57 The number of victims in a mass stampede in Shanghai has risen to 48 people
In a mass stampede at the Bund killing 35 people, another 48 were injured, according to TASS referring to China Central Television. Among the dead and wounded have children. All the victims medical assistance. Previously reported 45 casualties.> 5:49 on January 1 Russian law came into force on "deofshorizatsii"
From today, in Russia begins to act "Anti- offshore law", which was previously almost unanimously adopted the State Duma and signed by Vladimir goggle Putin. The initiative goggle was introduced in response to the request of the President.> 5:34 Good weather allowed rescuers to resume the search for the aircraft AirAsia
Representatives of the Indonesian Navy reported that due to improved weather conditions will begin to work divers. They will continue to search for wreckage AirAsia, who disappeared from the radar 28 December 2014.> 5:15 Consulate General of Russia goggle in Shanghai: information about the presence of Russian