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The tanks roll on: The World of tanks 360 Edition and Wargaming machensmglich. uc COMPUTER GAMES IMAGE was at the launch event in Berlin. Also included: tanks from the U.S., UK and Germany.
Frequently decide in direct duels not only who fires first, the position of the tank in a parity to the enemy is extremely important! More than 70 million gamers have already tried World of Tanks on the PC, says the manufacturer belarus wargaming. Now a tailor-made version for the Xbox 360 edition uc is published, the console as lead designer Jeff Gregg verrt on the occasion of the launch event in Berlin COMPUTER BILD GAMES. More than 100 employees of the ansssigen uc in Chicago Wargaming Studios were involved in this implementation. What is meant by, noted the potential tank driver after downloading the game: The Mens are tatschlich zweckmig, uc bersichtlich and easy to navigate, but also suffer from Trgheit, react partly not just fix. I think that's a legitimate criticism. We will fix the problem, so Gregg.
27 pictures Optimizes = less content uc also in terms of the game, players extent in comparison with the PC version currently smears out. Example, there are only three (instead of seven) nations, much less maps (seven instead of 33) and three instead of four game modes. The tank extensions offer a smaller depth, are summarized in convenient packages. Gregg explains the fr console optimized game content uc this way: we have contents of the PC version zurckgehalten so that we can they deliver later. The hlt the game fresh. Besides, we do not have enough manpower to complete all content at the same time. Receive Updates Wargaming will soon replacement delivery other nations, maps and modes.
Fleet tank battles uc at the game principle has nothing gendert: As before, World of Tanks features armored fleet battles for up to 30 players simultaneously. The automatic matchmaking throws you without hesitation uc in the large Nearest right battle. uc Noteworthy is that the Krfteverhltnisse are always very balanced. A choice of which mchte gamble currently seven verfgbaren maps and three modes of tank driver, there is not. Rarely, the 15 minutes of playing uc time per round are maxed out, mostly all the tanks are quickly destroyed or the enemy's flag was captured. The graph of vehicles and terrain fr is a free-to-play game quite handsome, but not great.
The first free-to-play game on the Xbox 360 graphically leaves behind a pretty good impression. Fast-Food Action uc After Bildschirmtod uc own a respawn there is not sweep you back to results with a button in the garage, choose another uc of the many tanks and this starts the received Next round on a new battlefield. More enjoyable to play with friends, forming a train (a maximum of three players). Only in this way is gewhrleistet that you always end up in the same match. The control is excellent managed with the controller for the tow-ton steel giants easily uc over the terrain. The use of an enemy succeeds thanks to a semi-automatic self Anfngern immediately. Beginners do away with the distinction between experience points for individual vehicles and general progress in the game, and features SIMILAR hard this is not always declared optimal. As with the PC version can also use real money players to make gold for buying extensions. A paid premium account is besides, rewarded with twice the experience points and Spielwhrung. Note: Players with Xbox Live Gold Subscription gamble free Xbox Live Silver players drfen least seven days for free sample with the tanks boards through the undergrowth. uc
Conclusion: World of Tanks Edition 360 The fast tank battles are at least as accessible as the PC in the console version of World of Tanks. The arcade battles are very enjoyable and entertaining. Only the right to start Clearly arranged content makes for Abzge in the B-Note.
Little content (compared to the PC version) Trge Mens Something too little explanations uc of game mechanics for beginners Release date World of Tanks (Xbox 360 version): 12 February 2014 for Xbox 360
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