Friday, March 13, 2015

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Knathip gold Sunday dean, Faculty of Law. St. John

Listen to the concerns of lawyers. The draft law to protect personal information on 10 Feb 2558 Attachment Size draft. R. The protection of personal data. (Secure digital edition) .pdf 22.42 MB became the Talk of the town when the Cabinet approved the principle. "The Security Law: 10 + 3 digital edition of" making the public aware and many groups in the movement passion hd against such a law suit. For fear of affecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. And privacy The previous Commission Petitions (b r.) Had proposed draft. R. I. Privacy. Into consideration the NIA., But in the digital security laws. Also proposed bill. In. The. Privacy come up again. Which is different from the original and controversial issues are included. IP Law so as to hire experts to delve deeper knowledge and concerns about privacy and data protection laws. (Secure digital edition)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Knathip gold Sunday dean, Faculty of Law. St. John's University Scholars passion hd who study the law protects the privacy passion hd of more than 12 years, said that privacy is important, but not enough to cover the current passion hd legislation Thailand. There is no specific law on this subject yet. We do not have a clear knowledge that privacy is exactly. Draft law to protect personal information that speaks to the same address. Consider the three levels of data collection. Use or processing And information dissemination On the issue of data collection People tend to focus on the state fell into storage. But the major players have joined with the private sector. And data collection by the private passion hd sector that hardly happens all the time. When we went to the convenience store or supermarket. Employers have always demanded from us in exchange for a discount or premium. Customers are asked to name, address, occupation, age, identification number, we tend to go out. Which he processed the information identifying the needs of consumers. Thailand is in this condition without control law for over 10 years. Prof. Dr. Knathip example of the picture. The case in foreign Discounted tickets for the mall to buy clothes and crib at the house of a young girl. Is now studying in high school. The family of the girl and that he panicked. Department are encouraged her to have children. However, the fact that But the boy was not told the family. The Department is aware that her stomach from the data processing at her shop in the mall. Like a jigsaw, which provides quite accurate. Means that little information is picked up will lead to more information. To tell stories about ourselves. Although we may not want to reveal it at all. Home consent is missing from the draft. In. The. Privacy Assoc. Prof. Dr. Knathip described as essential. Protection of personal passion hd information is collected three phases. Use or processing And dissemination of the draft Procurement. Requires passion hd the consent of the owner of the three stages. But in principle, this new body is missing. Data collection, just to let you know. So the public is entitled to refuse to disappear. Prof. Dr. Knathip said consent before collecting information is the basis of this law. It is the heart of all If the first step is not already passion hd covered. Another step is useless The lawmakers may fear that more steps will affect the goals that stretch in the trade. But we were able to determine how the regulations allow the trade is easy. "The current draft consent main problem is lost in the first step. Which is the most important step. But back to the consent to use and disclose. For me this is the biggest problem. Want a Home consent in three steps. Law must support the decision of the owner of the data ". Prof. Dr. Knathip emphasized. Prof. Dr. Knathip said that the interpretation that consent means. And how No answers have yet to be fixed and controversial example, if the owner of a child must consent by parents. If you use e-mail consent is reliable enough or not. Or be required to submit a signed written. Or use a password for the parents. These also need to think about that.
There are exceptions to trap receiving other laws. But there is no exception for the media Since the draft. The. Ref. Privacy Issue Procurement. There are exceptions to the work of the press is not required under the law to protect personal information. When an exception is missing from the new draft. Therefore worrying that the legal protection of personal data to inhibit passion hd the function of the media or not. Prof. Dr. Knathip noted. Exceptions to the work of the media is missing from the draft digital security. Meanwhile, the definition of the press, it is difficult. Today, a variety of media Social media enable people to become exhausted. If the definition of media Only professional media It will have a problem with people who reported the story takes place through social media. passion hd So the solution passion hd is Do not defined under Work But the definition of "media" behavior by reporting information to the public, "I think that laws protecting personal passion hd information, there are exceptions to the media. However, the focus in terms of behavior The mechanism passion hd may I offer another law for the media separated passion hd into intrusive invasion of privacy. Matter to the

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