Friday, June 13, 2014

Gokulpeth the horrific Agnagpur Anjiky Plaza 23 May Friday Night in the Plaza Building Anjiky Gokul

5 q Jada district, around 38 vehicles |
Recent Posts Friday, 13 June, 2014 Panie at sea on the roads in Mumbai, Delhi, meetme torrential rain and hail fell chham - chham will always Nihalchand Minister Narendra Modi off half Meghwal notice in rape case q is enveloped in darkness Hdustan
Gokulpeth the horrific Agnagpur Anjiky Plaza 23 May Friday Night in the Plaza Building Anjiky Gokulpeth raging fire severely injured 5 people have died in the basement of the building is about 38-wheelers kept park burned by Flatdharkon millions were lost. The gruesome people died in the accident include three women and 2 children Masu. Employed a naughty Ttwondwara the fire, the fatal accident, which police have started investigating. Mrs. Sleela light Jhulskr Syria who are dead in fire (62), Ms. Ragini Nishant, Syria (31), son Nishant Niransh Syria (two years), sister Mrs. Shruti Shrikant Mali (25), niece endure Shrikant Mali (02) explained . Syria around 12.15 hrs sleep at night family dinner was held in the parking of the vehicles in the basement under the building was in flames. The fire began to blast the petrol tanks of vehicles and vehicle-filled tires also condemned the bombing, causing the fire b <Ruptured Duck. Fire and flames became agitated and began to reach the upper floor of the Plaza Anjiky smoke, which quickly got involved in the building meetme of Syria and Mali family boarded the elevator. Pressed meetme the button for the elevator to the ground floor. As soon as the elevator stopped on the ground floor, and then all of a sudden power failure the lift door was locked. Creating an atmosphere of chaos in the whole scheme fell flat. Syria to lift off and lift Mali to protect family members from within himself Save - Save shouted strongly but could not hear their voices. meetme The flames and smoke to lift the siege and the fire burned severely severe burns Syria and Mali to 5 members of the family were dead. The incident was reported to the fire department. The fire department has three Ga <Idyan and soldiers arrived at the scene. Circle one Abhinashkumar then DCP, ACP hinders, Sbinspector Dewatle, Anbajri Night duty police officer Rite reached the spot. The fire department personnel meetme working tirelessly for two hours and found the horrific fire. When the lift door <Dakar Syria and Mali family members of the charred bodies pulled out. The bodies were so badly charred's not even worth watching. Syria Sleela deceased retired school teacher for the building.
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