Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Forget about sweaty palms. Now it can be fu

P and the two sides flger an interview conducted by husskribent Janus Hasseriis during the short stay in Sweden, but gave time for both little hands-on super smash flash 2 with the game in single-and multiplayer, as well as on PC and console. He spoke with general manager Karl-Magnus Troedsson, which for once is a person directly involved in the design team hrde work. Win for everyone!
Eurogamer.dk: super smash flash 2 The first Battlefield came on the market at some point when Counter super smash flash 2 Strike was the dominant multiplayer FPS on PC and it came with a new strategic angle. Since then, the war theme has been used many times, and Battlefields formula is barely s unique more. So, why make a Battlefield 3 now?
Karl-Magnus Troedsson: Good questions, why do you make what you do? We flte that it was time to efterflger to Battlefield 2, which came out in 2005. And that's only half the truth, for it is also a efterflger for Battlefield: Bad Company 2, a game we have learned much, so this game brings together a lot of the lessons we have fet with the various parts of our franchise. But to answer p The question: why gr we have it all?, So the answer is that we can see that there are a lot menneskerr who enjoy our games and enjoy playing Battlefield, and s long as there are people who want to play them, so we will probably continue to make Battlefield games.
The cool thing about launching now is that we see a lot of new players, but also people who are familiar with the series, and perhaps played Battlefield 1942 and Batlefield 2 and went on to other games, now showing a huge interest in the Battlefield 3 Both in the form of interest to our marketing campaign (Eds.: The official trailer has almost 9 million. views on YouTube), but also on a grsrodsniveau where we have a huge living community of both happy and sour players playing super smash flash 2 our game and give us feedback on what's good and bad. It is amazing to see, and as long there is who have an interest, we will certainly continue to make Battlefield games.
Karl-Magnus Troedsson: I always think that Battlefield had. If you look on the grundlggende elements when we started with Battlefield 1942, so it was all about big open udendrsarealer with vehicles, and we focused on team play. It was that very few other shooters that made it on time. They took place indoors, it was team deathmatch - who can get the most "kills", super smash flash 2 and they had no vehicles.
The three things that are still our focus, and I would argue that it still separates us much apart from our competitors. In addition, we tilfjet Destruction as a basic ingredient for our franchise, and we can now deliver with the Help of our engine Frostbite 2, and hopefully people will agree with me in that game, and delggelserne, looks really really great. S though our game is similar to some of our closest competitors, super smash flash 2 so I think sincerely that Battlefield recipe still gray, the game differs a great deal from the others on the market.
Karl-Magnus Troedsson: I would say that we also in Battlefield 2 was trying to push the boundaries. We are not like sdaN out on making a benchmark product, but we have full overlg forsgt to use all the opportunities in technology right now. We sometimes say that Frostbite 2 is the next generation technology at this generation platforms. It's a bit of a slogan really, but what we mean by that is that the PC has bevget the really long way since the nuvrende generation of consoles came on the market for 5:00 to 6:00 years ago, and there is still much force to pick up the Xbox 360 and Playstation super smash flash 2 3, if you optimize the right places, but the PC has really taken the lead, and the things you can do now is absolutely amazing.
S since we began developing Battlefield 3, flte we know that it was on time to return to our roots as game developers, and we started well on PC, so that we would come back and really take advantage of the krfter in PC now.
S in the first half of the development period, I would say that the PC was the platform we focused most p Later we were s turned super smash flash 2 on to switch over and look on the consoles, so we could utilize krfterne there and f game to credit flowing there also. But the release of Battlefield 3 marks certainly a return to focus on the PC as a gaming platform for the series. Not only in terms of graphics and rendering, sound and so on, but also with Battlelog functionality and throughout the dense integration with a real-time social networks that ISRP PC will really change how people play the game.
Janus has no Tven say to your face that he likes to play Pokémon. There are not many burly men who can. But there is much more in the attic of this digital super smash flash 2 adventurer and editors only sincere fan of Halo. Can also made see through walls thinner than 20 cm. Have vret at Eurogamer.dk super smash flash 2 since 2009.
Forget about sweaty palms. Now it can be fu

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