Saturday, October 11, 2014

Does anyone know if it is possible to just buy the camera habbolella on its own? A lot of current SJ

VERY IMPORTANT. These links go to the product, but not necessarily to the Amazon Direct supplier. I recommend selecting from Amazon themselves not the reseller habbolella storefronts..even if it costs a bit more. 
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Here at last, is my review of the SJ4000 WiFi review. Whilst there isn't a massive amount of difference between this and my original non-wifi version, habbolella somehow I've managed to stretch this out into a half hour video.
If you just want to know about the WiFi function and whether there are any other differences between this and the older models, habbolella you'll find your answer in the first few minutes, so no point skipping to the end. 
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Thanks for the review, not sure I need one to complement my Mobius habbolella and UniEye w/wifi but who knows...actually habbolella if I were to get another habbolella one it would be the Sony AS as it had excellent stereo sound and a slightly different form factor.
September 24, 2014 | Jay C
Nice review, Techmoan! The bug with the stamp is present on the no-wifi sj4000 too. I noticed it too in one of my tests. I've put a SFD stamp and in 720p mode it said RFD. So it looks like it goes back a character in the alphabet on a random letter
Thanks for the wonderful reviews. Anyone trying to do a video review should watch your work, Do you have an idea of the distance range of the WIfi with an Android device and the the sjcam sj4000 wifi? 1 meter, habbolella 2 meters or more? Thanks in advance
Really great review (as well as the previous ones)! Although it's habbolella a pity that you don't care about underwater performance, habbolella as far as I know the differences are huge even between well known brands. One quick question: in some of the last words, you're saying that with current price, the SJ4000 'is getting a bit close to some of the big boys in the game'. Which 'boys' do you mean? Which action cam offers better performance/accessories habbolella in your opinion (and keeps similar price level)? habbolella The choice is getting bigger every day...
Awesome and informative review as per usual, just purchased the non-WiFi version and anxiously habbolella await its arrival. By the way I watch all your reviews video recorders or not, very enlightening at time and got to say your a man of many talents, keep up the great work you do.
You totally sold me on the camera, but for the Amazon US link it was just a search field into Amazon. All the vendors have no more than 4 reviews and I was wondering if you knew of any venders habbolella on Amazon that sell the real SJCAM SJ4000 WiFi version.
Hello i am wondering what is the diffrence between the new and old SJ4000? is it just the wifi, or is the picture diffrent(it looks better to me(better colors, old one was too white?) but i am not sure?
Hey. I'm just wondering about the audio, in your video review of the original SJ4000 the audio seemed to sound much better with the Moe Sizlack character playing the fiddle than anything in this video. Did you notice any changes in the microphone in this version compared habbolella to the older version?
I didn't find any good street performers this time, but the audio does seem a little bit quieter on this camera than my old SJ4000 habbolella though. The SJ4000 that I bought in January habbolella isn't made any more though, the SJCAM version has different menus additional vents and possibly a new/different mic as well.
Does anyone know if it is possible to just buy the camera habbolella on its own? A lot of current SJ4000 owners (non wifi version) would probably upgrade so would just like the camera without all the associated cases and other bobbins.
I have been doing a lot of research on the SJCAM SJ4000 in general and can't say I've come across anyone selling just the camera itself, not to say it doesn't exist, doubt many suppliers would be inclined to do so since most buyers will be opting for the whole package. habbolella As for myself, habbolella I chose to buy the non-WiFi version since I already have a decent point-n-shoot type camera w/20X zoom that can be controlled with my Android tablet/phone via WiFi, accessing files for D/L and preview is easier done by using an adaptor and plugging it into my 'puter, much faster too. If the SJ4000 didn't have an LCD screen then that would be a different story, habbolella in saying that, pricing seems to be as such that the difference between habbolella the two is fairly minimal.
I own two Windows phones (Ativ S & Lumia 1020), think you'll have to contact the app developer on this one f

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