Ogan ILIR - The number of reports and pengadaduan are often found by Governmental Organization igre (NGO) makes the law enforcement, in this case the prosecutor Sumsel often melakukansilaturahmi on education to Ogan Ilir It's proven when Viewed from the recording camera crew journalist who was do its job, several weeks ago a crew of rogue journalist take a photo with the prosecutor that the initials NZ vehicle no pol avanza black 1047 BG PK went Highways and Public Works Disnakertrans but unfortunately unscrupulous prosecutor at the time slip by without being able to be confirmed.
But this time back two unscrupulous prosecutor's initials HN and A.az using light blue vehicle with no pol BG. 1000 NT, complete igre with official uniform visited PU BM OI.
When dikompirmasi on his arrival, the officers explained about his return igre to the Department igre of Public Works BM OI related to the incoming mail, as well as meeting with department heads, but when asked by the incoming mail problem they can not explain "we came here just to clarify incoming mail and at the same gathering kekami , "Person said the Prosecutor.
According to the department head PUBM OI H.Muhsin Abdullah, ST, MM dikonpirmasi workroom igre confirmed the arrival of the two elements, but only to the extent the prosecutor klaripikasi issue a copy of the letter NGO held a demonstration in Palembang yesterday whether completed or not, they officially bring suarat command and the problem was already solved by the Head (head its Area).
Semenatra the head of the bridge Oktaruddin, ST acknowledge is true arrival of the guest of High Kewjaksaan, unfortunately my time was not there. Their arrival to m, engklarifikasi presence of one complaint related to SLM Palembang masalahproiyek Mayapati Bridge.
It is said also by Oktaruddin, complaint letter from the NGO Mayapati mengatrakan that the construction of the bridge is in the District of South Pemulutan using Viva Ex Pertamina, it is recognized igre by Oktaruddin that does vbenar the bridge construction project using the former Pertamina pipeline. Construction of the bridge Mayapati n2011 fiscal year is already done 100 per cent while the new payment is made 95 per cent, it is intentionally done to avoid unwanted things, because there is still a 5 percent funding verbose maintenance costs.
As alluded to third parties who work on the proiyek, Oktaruddin dodge forget the reason the project who is working on the construction of the bridge, berikt masalan how the bridge stretch just still be remembered tersebutv bridge construction cost of Rp 400 million.
Separately chairman of NGO LESPER Zulkipli when prompted tanggapannyamengenai arrival of law enforcers who often mendatangiSKPD, Zulkipli deeply regrets the conduct of the enforcement hukumtersebut have damaged the image of the prosecutor igre also menimbulkanasumsi yangburuk, because if there is incoming mail terutamapengaduan stakeholders should be called to the office igre for any reason janganmendatangi it is very damaging too well with the exception of legal institutions in the investigation stage, related parties can not fulfill the call to the office. (iam)