Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Separately chairman of NGO LESPER Zulkipli when prompted tanggapannyamengenai arrival of law enforc

Ogan ILIR - The number of reports and pengadaduan are often found by Governmental Organization igre (NGO) makes the law enforcement, in this case the prosecutor Sumsel often melakukansilaturahmi on education to Ogan Ilir It's proven when Viewed from the recording camera crew journalist who was do its job, several weeks ago a crew of rogue journalist take a photo with the prosecutor that the initials NZ vehicle no pol avanza black 1047 BG PK went Highways and Public Works Disnakertrans but unfortunately unscrupulous prosecutor at the time slip by without being able to be confirmed.
But this time back two unscrupulous prosecutor's initials HN and A.az using light blue vehicle with no pol BG. 1000 NT, complete igre with official uniform visited PU BM OI.
When dikompirmasi on his arrival, the officers explained about his return igre to the Department igre of Public Works BM OI related to the incoming mail, as well as meeting with department heads, but when asked by the incoming mail problem they can not explain "we came here just to clarify incoming mail and at the same gathering kekami , "Person said the Prosecutor.
According to the department head PUBM OI H.Muhsin Abdullah, ST, MM dikonpirmasi workroom igre confirmed the arrival of the two elements, but only to the extent the prosecutor klaripikasi issue a copy of the letter NGO held a demonstration in Palembang yesterday whether completed or not, they officially bring suarat command and the problem was already solved by the Head (head its Area).
Semenatra the head of the bridge Oktaruddin, ST acknowledge is true arrival of the guest of High Kewjaksaan, unfortunately my time was not there. Their arrival to m, engklarifikasi presence of one complaint related to SLM Palembang masalahproiyek Mayapati Bridge.
It is said also by Oktaruddin, complaint letter from the NGO Mayapati mengatrakan that the construction of the bridge is in the District of South Pemulutan using Viva Ex Pertamina, it is recognized igre by Oktaruddin that does vbenar the bridge construction project using the former Pertamina pipeline. Construction of the bridge Mayapati n2011 fiscal year is already done 100 per cent while the new payment is made 95 per cent, it is intentionally done to avoid unwanted things, because there is still a 5 percent funding verbose maintenance costs.
As alluded to third parties who work on the proiyek, Oktaruddin dodge forget the reason the project who is working on the construction of the bridge, berikt masalan how the bridge stretch just still be remembered tersebutv bridge construction cost of Rp 400 million.
Separately chairman of NGO LESPER Zulkipli when prompted tanggapannyamengenai arrival of law enforcers who often mendatangiSKPD, Zulkipli deeply regrets the conduct of the enforcement hukumtersebut have damaged the image of the prosecutor igre also menimbulkanasumsi yangburuk, because if there is incoming mail terutamapengaduan stakeholders should be called to the office igre for any reason janganmendatangi it is very damaging too well with the exception of legal institutions in the investigation stage, related parties can not fulfill the call to the office. (iam)

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2011 (5) November (3) June (2) 2010 (40) October (13) ABANG LAGIEE2 brother starfall photo album of BPW Oi Decree of the Decree of Banten BPP Oi Oi CPC central South Tangerang Humanism in Song Lyrics Iwan Fals Oi Flag folmulir folmulir group members several provisions Principal Oi, Oi uniform and brother ki ........ ageng Ganjur brother and best friend photo album September (13) April (1) March (2) February (5) January (6)
BOARD OF DIRECTORS CITY OI South Tangerang starfall Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia is located in the south jakarta, a new city has seven regions: starfall Pamulang, ciputat, ciputat east, palm hut, Serpong, North Serpong and Setu, among the top green universe and some lakes (setu ) Beautiful hopefully preserved in "our starfall peaceful all day" View my complete profile

Monday, December 30, 2013


http://www.4shared.com/file/97918004/53a4335e/WS_Rendra_-_Ku_Panggil_Namamu.html?aff=7637829 http://www.4shared.com/file/55722118/90ecdba1/WS_Rendra_-_Pamplet_Cinta.html?aff=7637829 http://www.4shared.com/audio/oxPXHpj3/WSRendraPuisi.htm?aff=7637829 http://www.4shared.com/audio/MKAQzAAF/WSRendraPuisi-mrsumbang.htm?aff=7637829 clash of clans http://www. 4shared.com/audio/Z0WyitnT/filesky_resital_biola_berpuisi.htm? aff = 7637829 http://www.4shared.com/audio/V7IGE8Na/filesky_tuhan_aku_cinta_padamu.htm?aff=7637829 http://www.4shared.com/file/55723818/ 2781874b/Rendra_-_Kondor.html? aff = 7637829 http://www.4shared.com/audio/cNAxp5ks/WS_Rendra__Puisi_Cinta_-_Bagia.htm?aff=7637829 http://www.4shared.com/audio/XYYimtxX/WS_Rendra__Puisi_Cinta_- _Bagia.htm? aff = 7637829
PROCEDURE correspondence ORMAS Oi BY GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY THE CHAIRMAN GENERAL Oi: Considering: 1. that in order to realize the general administrative order Oi NGOs at all levels is necessary to regulate provisions concerning correspondence Procedure: 2. that is based on the number 1 above, the setting and the stipulation set forth in Rule Oi Organization. Given: 1. Statutes and Bylaws Oi. 2. Outline of the National Program (GBPKN) BPP Oi Year 2009-2012. 3. Organizational Regulations No. 01 of 2010 Concerning Governance Rules Regulations In order Oi CBOs. Noting: 1. Proposals, opinions and suggestions in the center builder Oi Oi BPP Plenary Meeting of January 30, 2010. 2 The results of the National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) clash of clans Oi I and the National Working Meeting (Conggress) Oi III 2010 in Ground, Yogyakarta. DECIDED: REGULATORY ORGANIZATION OF PROCEDURE correspondence ORMAS Oi. CHAPTER I GENERAL Section clash of clans 1 Procedure correspondence CBOs Oi hereinafter referred to in this Regulation Organisation-PESO correspondence Oi is a mechanism used by a whole range of community organizations Oi from the central to the group, both for internal and external purposes. Article 2 PESO-Oi arranged in order to provide guidance to all levels of management Oi CBOs that there is uniformity in carrying out their duties clash of clans and to facilitate coordination and communication clash of clans and synchronization in formal correspondence. Section 3 Implementation of PESO-Oi includes software that includes the functions: secretariat, correspondence and arrangements concerning the classification of mail, outgoing mail and incoming mail, procedures for the use of seals and the signing of a letter of authority and supported by a complete correspondence clash of clans letterhead, stamp and envelopes. CHAPTER II SECRETARIAT Article 4 1 Secretariat is the organ responsible for the smooth running of correspondence covering all the tasks of coordination in conveying information through a channel that is done by using the completeness correspondence. 2 Officers secretariat in carrying out their duties, shall ensure and be responsible for the smooth running of correspondence in accordance with applicable regulations. Article clash of clans 5 The Secretariat is under the control of the Secretary-General. Secretariat Organizations Oi duty: 1. To coordinate delivery through CSOs wisdom that is passed to all levels. 2. Helping smooth operation clash of clans of CSOs in delivering / distributing decision and discretion CSOs quickly and precisely using various channels of information. 3. Facilitate the flow of mail, both incoming and outgoing mail, both internally and externally. Article 6 In providing the necessary information board organizations, the Secretariat may also prepare clash of clans reports CBOs, researching and processing the data, both from internal and external environments with the knowledge of the Secretary-General CSOs / CBOs Sekretris Oi, and then arranged in a variety of forms and reports publications, which can be used as material information. CHAPTER clash of clans III STANDARDIZATION Standardization Section 7 is the uniform shape, color, size and text of the tools used in the PESO-Oi. Article 8 Standards include correspondence; classification and degree of letters; shape and size of letter paper CBOs; stamp CBOs; shapes, colors, text size letterhead / envelope, as well as abbreviations and acronyms. CHAPTER IV CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence is Article 9 of activities associated with controlling and news letters, both written and verbal arising from the recording, report, plan, program or decision that may still give rise to the demand for an explanation, so that the direction or management of all activities clash of clans can be carried out appropriately and correctly. Article 10 1. Referred to the letter is a tool to deliver a written message that contains the purpose, as stipulated in Article 13 of this Regulation Organization. 2. Fundamental principle of a letter consists of determining the purpose and intention of writing a letter; clash of clans embody the idea of designing is to be content with the sequences of letters and using good grammar; with clear and concise writing, without me

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Pertamina dd Prabumulih In Polisikan In OI | Asset PT Pertamina EP 2 Prabumulih reported to Police

Pertamina dd Prabumulih In Polisikan In OI | Asset PT Pertamina EP 2 Prabumulih reported to Police dd Ogan Ilir (OI) with a charge of theft of pipes former Dutch East Indies worth Rp 30 billion. dd Complaints to Police OI done by H Ahmad, dd Monday, December 9. In the report the contractor H Ahmad always addressed residents Panjaitan Road No. 16, RT 51 RW 15 Plaju Palembang, claiming dd to be entitled to manage pipeline former Dutch East Indies.
Essentially, H Ahmad have documents and get the power to the duties of Director of Primary Steel Revo Vence Rumangkang 229/ST/-VBJ/VIII/2002 letters with numbers. "I've had the letter of authority from the Director of Revo northern Baja Rumangkang Vence,'' Said Ahmad H, Monday (09/12/2013).
According to him, the assignment letter diperuntukkannya to get or maintain an iron-scrap metal, such as a pipe still attached and that has been collected, and the old iron-iron pipe in the region of non Prabumulih Sumbagsel OEP and OEP Pertamina Jambi region (Ex Dutch Petroleum activities) Well Main Steel Revo PT itself appointed by Charaka Earth Krida Foundation is in charge of implementing the collection of scrap metal as the former Dutch East Indies by the Decree of the Minister of Mines and Energy of Indonesia with No. 732 K/96 / M.PE/1989. But the reality in the field, the scrap metal was stolen by the Asset Pertamina EP 2 Prabumulih excavated and transported in a manner dd without the permission of the company. dd "Ironically my current workers will collect the scrap metal, even arrested and accused of stealing by the security Pertamina. So I reported the matter dd to the Police dd Ogan Ilir,'' he says. Similar delivered lawyer named Ahmad Helmy H SH. According dd to Helmy addition to reporting the theft committed by PT Pertamina, it was also reported acts of slander and defamation that afflicts klainya. "I was accused of stealing Klain, this is slander and defamation,'' said Helmy. Ogan Ilir Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Jajat Asep Sudrajat said it would conduct an investigation into reports the H Ahmad and his lawyer alleged the theft of scrap metal, "Both are equally reported, and we will conduct an investigation into this case,'' Police Chief Says. While the response to this, the Public Relations Manager of PT Pertamina And Legal Assets II Prabumulih Augustine said that scrap metal problem since it's been a long time, it will feel more happy if H Ahmad in resolving this issue through legal channels. "Instead dd it is concerned with how to take her own way of course, this force has been breaking the law," he said, adding that existing data in the PT Pertamina Asset II Prabumulih existing evidence, because it is a State-owned assets. He stated, as the obligations of PT First to manage state-owned assets. "There are no other parties dd that can take without clear rights," he said. Mentioned about the PT Pertamina, which according to H Ahmad has done former Dutch East Indies pipe theft worth Rp 30 Billion? According to Augustine, it may be mentioned because it is a personal opinion. "It is impossible PT Pertamina, a state-owned enterprises act of theft," he said. Augustine also added that the next steps in response to concerns dd about the dispute-ferrous scrap metal, according to him will take legal action if it was ready to respond to the following witnesses. The legal basis is owned Pertamina parties regarding ownership of the old irons that. According to Augustine, dd the Pertamina had bought the old irons. "Even if the related claim that these irons are hers, please take legal course of taking his own way," Augustine lid Source: SRIPOKU.COM, dd Indralaya
This is the place 5 World Famous First World Created
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Recent Comments Sabarina commented on Merpati Nusantara Flight flight to Palembang-Lampung aktivisp

BPN Cancel tv online OI OI Transmigration Land Ownership Rights | Trijaya Palembang
PALEMBANG - National tv online Land Agency (BPN) Ogan Ilir issued a letter containing the cancellation of land ownership rights tv online over the land transmigration. This letter is a response from a request by officials who represented Ahmad et al Wajir Noviadi the transmigration of land ownership in the Integrated Settlement Unit (UPT) integrated area Mandiri (KTM) in the village of Tanjung Pule, North Inderalaya, Ogan Ilir.
The letter explained that BPN can not issue a certificate of the land. Certificate can not be published because of the principle of registration tv online of land rights to be free from all problems, both physical data and data regarding juridical.
The letter, signed by the Head of the Land Office OI, Asnawati tv online SH, explained that the land applied for was denied by the ownership taken care Sutrima Bachtiar and recorded tv online as land owned by transmigration.
Therefore, the concerned brother Akhmad et al Wajir Noviadi can contact the transmigration concerned to solve the problems of the land. "If there is a settlement in writing then please convey to BPN OI for subsequent processing. Alongside this our brother files petition to cancel, "said Asnawati SH, in a letter to the applicant permission letter tv online answer tenure.
In response to these problems Sutrima Bactiar Head Hamlet IV, found in South Sumatra parliament building, Wednesday (10/8), said he had indeed sent a letter to the BPN OI for not issuing a certificate to any party. Given Pule land in Tanjung district of North Indralaya the transmigration belonged since 2009.
"Currently we are still investigating who was responsible. Fires had occurred two days, the fire has not been extinguished. We also can not do anything other than collect direct evidence who did it, "said tv online Sutrima.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Alliance Coordinator Transmigration Sumsel Nachung Tajudin claimed relief with cancellation letters request the transmigration of land tenure. This is an initial step opening of the truth, let alone the struggle is conducted in coordination with members of the board of OI Sumatra in particular constituencies, members of Commission I and the leadership tv online of Parliament of South Sumatra.
"We will continue to fight for what is rightfully homesteader community, so that the land that had been occupied by a number of OI officials, provincial government and the city of Palembang be back again belong to migrants," he said. (Morino)
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2013 (32) December (3) November canada 411 (1) CBO Logo Patented Oi To DG IPR September (1) August

Oi organizations have held a national work conference (National Workshop) in the Village Leuwinanggung, Depok, West Java. National Workshop held 8-10 November 2013, produced some of the work program and recommendations. For the work program, community organizations will be patented logo Oi Oi. Secretary General of the Executive Committee canada 411 of the Ainu community organizations Rofiq Oi said it had submitted canada 411 to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, to patent logo Oi. 'We have already proposed letter intellectual property rights to patent logo Oi, "he told reporters during a press conference. canada 411 With the patented logo Oi, then there will be royalties obtained Oi, if the logo is used for commercial purposes.
Youth and Sports Minister Roy, supported the patenting Oi logo. He said it would encourage the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights to processes the letters patent filings related logos Oi Oi.
On that occasion, expressed his admiration for Roy Iwan Fals. With many fans and spread all over the country, canada 411 remained consistent Iwan not want to come in the world of practical politics. "I salute the same Mas Iwan, who is not intrigued to politics," he said, while giving a speech at the National Meeting Organizations Iwan Fals Oi in residence in the Village Leuwinanggung, Depok, West Java, on Sunday canada 411 (11/10/2013). According to Roy, Iwan Fals followers on Twitter reach 600 thousand followers. Considerable amounts to a public figure. However, Barbie is not interested in going into politics. Meanwhile, Iwan Fals, founder of Oi, expressed his admiration for the BPP board Oi period 2013-2017. According to him, since the National Congress in April, Oi BPP has been doing a lot of progress. canada 411 "One of them, CBOs Oi already registered in the Ministry of the Interior, and Oi now have their own account," he said. Iwan advised that all members of Oi can run programs that have been agreed on rakernas this time. In the words of WS Rendra, Iwan said, "The struggle canada 411 is the implementation of the words." For that, Iwan, Oi Organizations must be able to carry out its work program. (*)
Iwan Fals Concert Schedule June 2012
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Friday, December 27, 2013

Categories Articles (54) Biography (6) Iwan Fals 3gp (1) Iwan Fals mp3 (19) words - words of wisdom

Early last November 2013, CBO Oi Conggress held in Depok, West Java. In one of his programs, community galaxy note organizations will be patented LOGO Oi Oi to the Director General of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. With the patented logo Oi, then there will be royalties obtained Oi, when the logo is used for commercial purposes. The logo and flag Oi (Indonesian galaxy note people) are often flown at concerts Bang Iwan Fals. Logo creation hio Ariyanto it became the official logo of the organization Iwan Fals fans. In addition, the National Gathering Oi, 1999, the song "Oi" by Digo Dzulkifli of Bandung galaxy note defined as Oi MARS Songs. Youth and Sports Minister Roy, supported the patenting Oi logo. He said it would encourage the Ministry of Justice to process a patent filing related logos Oi Oi. Roy expressed his admiration galaxy note for Iwan Fals. With many fans and spread throughout the country, remain galaxy note consistent Iwan not want to come in the world of practical politics. According to Roy, Iwan Fals followers on Twitter reach 600 thousand followers. Considerable amounts to a public figure. On the other hand, Iwan Fals Oi advised that all members can run programs that have been agreed on rakernas this time. In the words of WS Rendra, Iwan Fals said, "The struggle is the implementation of the words." galaxy note
For that, go bang Iwan Fals, Oi Organizations must be able to carry out its work program. Iwan Fals whose real name Virgiawan Listanto, most of the songs speak of social criticism. It also makes K2 FM present a special event Iwan songs bang in the era of the mid-2000s. Predictable, Iwan Fals special program received tremendous response from the audience. Program "Oi Mania" at the time Dany Aerospace guided every Monday night. With reference material and arguably galaxy note quite complete, galaxy note Dany tried to review the figure Iwan bang and hits-hits. THANK YOU
Whandi [06:05 PM, 04-Dec-13] galaxy note
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mnurut even less palatable ane gan .. Ea Kunbal Subscribe galaxy note to comment feed: [RSS] [Atom]
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Social Games are multiplayer definition and a strong community character. It is adapting these

Gamification at the heart of customer retention strategies - The Social Customer - The Digital Agency qq The Social CRM Client - The Digital Agency CRM
In Techno - By Jerome Sutter's Monday, April 23, 2012 - Comments
Maybe you received an invitation to your friends qq via your Facebook account to collect eggs mysteries in Farmville? Play online on a platform like Facebook is today and current players involve in essence their contacts on social networks: this is called the Social Gaming. qq In the United States, this phenomenon of online gaming community affect one in five Americans over the age of six years. For brands, capitalize on player behavior client opens many opportunities.
These online games are usually a fairly simple gameplay, which partly explains the popularity of users. Among its various attractions qq is the reward: a virtual gift in gratitude for the efforts and diligence qq of a user, or the relevance of his comments on a community platform. The idea of an ambassador or recognized for its commitment to the brand contributor is at the heart of the approach: after all, why not mark it would give points to a user who is in his favor? Used as a tool for relationship marketing, gamification encourages customers to speak on topics of increasing value added discussion forums such as those established by Lenovo are areas of technical support, where the best contributors classified in the category of "Gurus" become real moderators.
Social Gaming platforms can be considered as new community spaces for expression, as opposed to all the games that are alone. Thus, brands qq are gaining notoriety by giving visibility on these sites: qq this is what happened in Second Life, with spaces dedicated to brands like Coca-Cola, qq for example. Better yet, the mark may itself become instigator of his own games! For example, an application for Starbucks Coffee reward the most regular consumers with stars and elevations statutes.
This is not new, many brands have already taken the fold and take advantage of these new opportunities to interact with customers through games. It is interesting qq to consider gamification as an element of loyalty or as a means to provide a dynamic picture of your business. The lure of reward qq or recognition then become engine for the user. Accor, inter alia, decided to reward its members at each check-in at a hotel chain (2300 participating hotels), via Facebook: over the player makes check-ins, the more he earns virtual badges and points collected are then converted into A | Club rewards, airline miles or usable with partners. Gamification: When your brand space becomes a playground
The Social Games are multiplayer definition and a strong community character. It is adapting these features to its brand image will fly. Jimmy Choo held a quest to win pairs of shoes, which the instructions were posted on Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare (Catch a Choo campaign): qq This quest - a golf fashionista in the city of London - had made frantic fans! The Social Games can take many forms: collective quests, high scores, levels of achievement, etc..
Our study of the behavior of e-buyers on social media showed that they were particularly active when contests were organized, when their opinion was requested by the brand, including its spaces (Facebook page ...). Gamification goes beyond simple Social Game and will involve the prior commitment qq of the player to the brand, and his desire to be recognized for its contribution. Thus, the motivation of super fan is not necessarily the financial reward he seeks to be recognized, valued and differentiated from other, ending up in the top 10 of the best contributors for example. Beyond subscription discounts, special gifts, the brand can reward the user by providing more visibility by enhancing their status in implementing its proposals to improve ... A telecommunications qq giant in the USA even rewarded his contributors qq by providing a dinner with the CEO! The contribution of the Internet may have different motivations but in many cases, the sense of action is essential: it sometimes donate the points he wins, as in giffgaff where badges are convertible into either cash, either do

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

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Giffgaff has established a communication system based on its consumers: on the principle of sponsorship, they earn airtime when they were at the origin of a new subscription.
How to communicate cheaply? By its customers relay meets giffgaff. The British operator, whose name means old Scottish "give", igre through the principle of word-of-mouth on the web as well as sponsorship igre for promotion. Mouth-to-mouth obviously rewarded to encourage people to talk. On the principle of a collaborative network, each customer can contribute to the expansion giffgaff passing information about yourself or offering free SIM cards to its knowledge, they can choose to activate or not.
Each activation of these related to the name or each time a new user named as sponsor on the site maps, the customer is rewarded. It is the same when it comes to the aid of other members on the forum. Customers will receive points they can later convert airtime credit or PayPal igre or even give an association. For the operator, the aim is also to involve customers in the process of marketing and business innovation.
Indeed, consumers can make proposals to create new products igre or improve existing ones directly on the community forum. Evidence that this consultation is bearing fruit: igre the operator has announced that it will now offer all BlackBerry services (Messenger, email and Internet). That, at the request of its customers, which would be widely expressed in the forum for a compatibility with the phone from RIM.
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

This is a short 3 minute film which begins with the invasion of zombies mapy in a quiet suburb. The

Internet TV Advertising Prints Buzz Sports Olympics World Cup Soccer Marketing Marketing Alternative Indoor and Outdoor others - Ambient Buzz News Best of the Week + news Fails holiday season! mapy
Menu-TV-Internet-Prints-Buzz-Sport Advertising - Sport - Olympic Games - World Cup Soccer-Marketing - Alternative Marketing --- Other --- Indoor and Outdoor mapy - Ambient Buzz News Best of the week + news Fails holiday season! mapy
G iffgaff is a British telephone operator in Telefónica still uses once the zombies in an advertisement. Despite the multitude of pubs with undead of all kinds, each spot revisits these monsters in his way, with new storylines.
This is a short 3 minute film which begins with the invasion of zombies mapy in a quiet suburb. They sow terror gradually as they decompose. Until people realize that in fact they can be useful to save a cat in a tree, carry bags or adjust the satellite.
The message that the operator wants to convey is "all differences are not necessarily scary." Indeed, giffgaff is a little special since operator offers its customers to participate in the affairs of the company are paid with free calls.
In France, it is referred to sour the name of Sam, Belgium and the Netherlands, it is called Bob, while in Luxembourg it is Raoul and Switzerland, the Angel. On the occasion ...

The curriculum level, I am 4 classes: Coding and Transformations and whatnot FFT in Matlab / Scilab

The curriculum level, I am 4 classes: Coding and Transformations and whatnot FFT in Matlab / Scilab. Network and Protocols From REZAL. Operating Systems online filmek A course OS \ o /. I recommend this book to those concerned. Entrepreneurship and Negotiation Monte your box and sell a gadget.
In terms of mobile, I was advised that the operator giffgaff for 10 includes: 250 minutes unlimited texting UK UK Internet unlimited free calls between subscribers giffgaff
Tip # 1: For giffgaff: If you want DL unlimited 3G (eg no connection at home) command with a false name and uses primarily refills O2 payable in cash at ASDA if I remember correctly like that nothing to fear. Tip # 2: If you can do like me and fart wifi (well I farted 2 st'une but another story) to have a real connection. There's a lot of WEP there. Tip # 3: Regarding sports, online filmek sports complex is located next to the ASDA is relatively trust its customers and never checks the registration cards. Basically, you come as you want, no need to pay.
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Monday, December 23, 2013

I am the link with prioritizing needs summarized in the Maslow pyramid. It is always possible to sp

talkSpirit, publisher radio 2 of Corporate Social Networking helps companies of all sizes to integrate collaborative practices radio 2 within their ECOSYSTEM to gain competitiveness. Since 2004, talkSpirit has deployed more than 250 projects. radio 2 More information on: http://talkspirit.com
Bertrand Duperrin recently published a nice article radio 2 about the use of gamification. It was a paragraph in the link between collection points, badges, ... and financial recognition. It is a model which I strongly believe.
I lived in London for several months when I used the giffgaff operator (the case is explained in the post of consultant Nextmodernity). In addition to the support members are associated with issues radio 2 of innovation and marketing. An important part of the business activity is outsourced to the public, "the crowd" (hence the name "crowdsourcing", contraction of the words "crowd" and "outsourcing"). To the question "Why does this work so well the service? "The response from the community is quite unanimous:" radio 2 Because members like us get paid by giffgaff DEPENDING on how helpful we are so Each month we try to help as much as possible, :-) ".
For members, the purpose is not so much to make money, but to participate in these collaborative conversations to help other users and advance ideas with other enthusiasts. Money is only the consequence of the investment in time and effort: autonomy, creativity, recognition by a community of peers ... sources are far more important motivations. Here we find the same principles of management, although it is, in the case of giffgaff, a problem Customer radio 2 Relations at the base. These win-win models allow sustained engagement member with the company. This is the principle of shared value, dear to the famous Harvard professor Michael Porter.
I am convinced that tomorrow, some people will connect to communities, enrich exchanges, answer questions, work on ideas ... live and compensation associated. Offline, we notice that more and more consultants navigate from one company to another, from one project to another, to deliver their expertise. I see a parallel, reduced contractual procedures. People already living crowdsourcing today (which are mostly radio 2 in the form of competition). The eYeka models, Quirky, of KickStarter ... show that it is possible to reinvent the way people create wealth radio 2 by allowing them to connect, work, fund projects related to their passions.
I am the link with prioritizing needs summarized in the Maslow pyramid. It is always possible to speak of creative emulsion, achievment and co, if the model of the community does not satisfy my needs first, my commitment can not be continuous. The financial insentive is an element radio 2 that makes sustainable model because it allows the members to say, "Ok, I can spend time on this community, I'll still manage to pay my bills at the end of the month, but especially, I fulfilled more than my traditional job because here I am working on topics that fascinate me, I am free. " By cons, as all these communities remain disconnected bubbles 2.0 instead of real life, I think it will be difficult to produce in mass success.
To go further, I recommend: The White Paper on Net Intelligenz Customer Relationship Augmented evoking the link between loyalty and commitment to the community platforms Anthony Poncier This article about gamification, management and HR Illustration radio 2 of "Perception Gap": "The primary reason for a consumer interaction with a company, obtaining reductions."
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Perception problems aside, many mobile users are unhappy with current contract offerings, citing the

Vous êtes ici: Home English The Joy of Text? Mobile Users Ditch Texting in Favour of Data-Led Communication, Reports giffgaff The Joy of Text? Mobile Users Ditch Texting in Favour of Data-Led Communication, Reports giffgaff
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM–(Marketwired – Jul 4, 2013) – New research by giffgaff has revealed that a high proportion of mobile phone customers place data allowance as a top priority when seeking out a new mobile deal. The humble mail online text message is now being out-shone mail online by mobile applications and handsets that are changing how we communicate, mainly in the form of BBM, iMessage, Facebook messaging, Whatsapp and Skype. Indeed, texts sent via apps overtook SMS messages by 1.4 billion in 2012 (Informa).
From more than 10,000 giffgaff community members who took part in this survey-based research, 17% said that they now feel more swayed by data allowance than anything else when comparing phone deals – influenced by this change in mobile communication.
giffgaff, who specialise in SIM-only deals and mobile bundles, have assessed how savvy and adept their community members are at navigating the mobile landscape. The survey mail online did not just shed light on the current sentiment towards mobile contracts but it more importantly highlighted a few misperceptions still knocking around the mobile world. Primarily, that being on a contract is still gleaned as the smartest way to go mobile.
Au contraire. Historically, the amount of mobile contracts taken out in the UK has almost doubled mail online from 25% to 41% since 2006, while the amount of pay-as-you users has dropped to 40% from 45%. This is because contracts have become synonymous with ‘upgrades’ which simply equates mail online to a new handset. A massive mail online 59% of mobile users choose to go on a contract for the latest technology. However, taking out a short term loan and buying your handset up front can, for example, save Apple lovers mail online 150 on the latest iPhone. Similarly, 45% of mobile users are unaware that contract mail online prices can rise during their tariff.
The popularity of social mobile apps like Facebook and Whatsapp has meant that mobile users are cautious about the amount of mobile data they consume, with many misjudging the amount: 67% of respondents said they got through 250MB of mobile data a month. However, giffgaff can reveal that only 33% of mobile users use more than 250MB per month. Commenting on the need for users to regularly check their data allowance and monthly usage, Mark Entwistle, Product mail online Manager at giffgaff, said today:
“Data usage is notoriously difficult to keep track of and this can put people at risk of selecting the wrong allowance for them, which can prove costly. To make sure you don’t fall into this trap, it’s worth regularly checking any usage information that your network makes available to you or if you prefer then you can carry out your own data usage ‘health check’ by using smartphone apps like Onavo. At giffgaff, members can access this information online 24/7, but they also have the option of receiving a monthly statement, mail online including a recommended mobile plan which is based on their usage.”
Perception problems aside, many mobile users are unhappy with current contract offerings, citing their length and outdated handsets as the main gripes. Apple are one of the main culprits, with the possibility of an iPhone 5s just nine months after the iPhone 5 release leaving those under a long-term contract feeling cheated.
With mail online mobile mail online users becoming more interested in mobile tariffs that offer greater data allowance, giffgaff advise to look beyond the contract and consider pay-as-you-go. For just 12, giffgaff offer an unlimited data tariff, which offers users round the clock data usage, as well as many other data heavy bundles. Extend your mobile conversation by becoming as smart as your Smartphone and join the giffgaff community to take part in the ‘Pay Back’ scheme that rewards community-focused advice by giving users money off their tariffs.
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Saturday, December 21, 2013

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European service | Instructions: How to get out of the prohibited use giffgaff data permanently and survive. On Cell Phone Forums - Help with your mobile device
Giffgaff is a small mobile provider in the United Kingdom, which engulf d the O2 network. My tips below might work against another mobile provider so. They claim to offer the use of mobile internet really unlimited, unless another network with a fair use policy, they do not have one, because they offer truly unlimited mobile d internet. Some of you might be in one of the following positions. When you are prescribed for the purposes of data or because gg says: 1. You are tying 2. You use so much data, they claim that you disturb other users of giffgaff. There are ways out, I definitely prescribed for use of prior data. But I also unbarred it thereafter. I will teach you how. If they say that you are tethering, ask them to prove it. Just because they say they believe that you are tethering, there is no technology that can detect it. I worked d for different telcom, so I know what they can and can not do. If you are afraid that you might prevent giffgaff one day, you should ask the agent by asking, explain terms & conditions clearly. As they like to use the excuse that you have violated their terms & conditions, so ask them for more details now. I also asked giffgaff what the limit is for unlimited use of internet. d They sent me the term and condition, so I asked them to tell me exactly what the limit is, they told me there is not a limit, but if you disturb other users , they can prevent you. So ask them exactly the amount of data used to be classified as "disturbing other users." They come from the back and say depends and their application depends on what, keep on asking those questions. If they ever tell you the exact answer of how the use of data will be classified as "disturb other users," then you have not done anything wrong. This is what happened d when I finally laid down for the use of data, but I asked them many questions before they me. So when I called, they told me they had warned me that if I used the excessive use of data, then they had no choice but to bar me. So I ask them if they did not tell me how or limit the use of data is classified as excessive (remember the use of their data is supposed to be unlimited), how could avoid breaking the expression and condition? They do not have to answer me with reasonable answers to my questions. After a few weeks, they gave because they do not have to explain properly why they banned me and how I had broken the term and condition even if I gave them 13 chances to explain myself before d I appeal. I fell in condition "is permanently barred" because they do not give me advice good customer ainsient failed to let me know the exact amount of data usuage to be classified as excessive. I think we all need to know our rights as consumers to be a happy consumer. > More: How to get out of the prohibited use giffgaff data permanently and survive.
How to get out of your Sprint contract without charge.
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Hello, I want to introduce you giffgaff. Giffgaff is a mobile operator in the UK providing extremely cheap calls. Text messages giffgaff offer for only 4p and calls for just 8p per minute. They also offer other free stuff such as free calls to 0800 and 0500 numbers from your mobile giffgaff tds f a single thing on a mobile network tds f giffgaff. You will also have free texts and calls to giffgaff users. You can also buy these GoodyBags that last a month when purchased and give you a package of minutes and unlimited texts. Exceed 10 + GoodyBags include unlimited data for the month which is great for smartphones. All you need to do is order a SIM and pop it in your phone. You can even have your old number tds f free download! Giffgaff Sims work in unlocked phones and phones locked to the O2 network. Giffgaff are running offers when you receive an extra 5 credit upon first top-up, if you sign up through an affiliate like me! To order and claim the extra 5 credit, you must use the following link. Thank https://giffgaff.com/orders/affiliate/ixape> More: giffgaff - The mobile network run by you
Messages, opera, For, sim, x 5
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Friday, December 20, 2013

The agency Fallon London has just completed his first video for giffgaff, a new British telephone c

Too Good Too Com - Because it is always too good to talk Com '- # TBTC "giffgaff: Do not be scared
The agency Fallon London has just completed his first video for giffgaff, a new British telephone company that innovates ya in its operation. Indeed, it is the customers who run the company. In this video, giffgaff trying ya to make us understand that we should not be afraid of what is different (ie, their operating system) ya and illustrates this with ... zombies!
Recent Articles France Télévisions: 25 Years of "Going ya for Gold" of the Guest Playlist VOL 8 Airbnb: Every Traveler Deserves A Home Carlton Dry: HELLOBEER The Zap Spi0n TV # 43
Recent Articles France Télévisions: 25 Years of "Going for Gold" of the Guest Playlist VOL 8 Airbnb: Every Traveler Deserves A Home Carlton Dry: HELLOBEER The Zap Spi0n TV # 43 Playlist VOL 71 Zap TV Spi0n # 42 Fish Love: Bloom Association ...

Moving forward, giffgaff changing image their service to better meet the needs of their growing ima

giffgaff welcomes new ideas to help innovate their network
To commemorate the Week of ideas and make these problems a thing of the past, giffgaff calls wonderful community to have their say so that they can improve their service as a whole. Controlled by their members for their members, giffgaff is dependent on their community to help shape, change, and innovate their mobile network. image
To show how much they appreciate customer feedback, giffgaff has established a committee ideas for strengthening their community ethos inspired. Created February 4, 2010, the Board ideas led to remarkable changes. Without the advice of ideas, the giffgaff network would not gigabags, card cover, Twitter, giffgaff surveys image goodybags integration, complementing through vouchers, and giffgaff T-Shirts!
For the last 27 months, giffgaff has, on average, implemented an idea once every 3 days, and commissioned more than 11% of all unique ideas. Contributions have quadrupled over one year, which shows that the community is both giffgaff voice and full of brilliant suggestions.
Moving forward, giffgaff changing image their service to better meet the needs of their growing image community. To facilitate this process, giffgaff will be taking image into consideration all suggestions, comments, and concerns about the Council ideas.
Issues that are currently trying to solve giffgaff image include new rewards for innovators and contributors, a system to deal with duplicates, and improved to communicate with members of updates method. All ideas are welcome, as giffgaff promise to read all suggestions regardless of whether they are worthy or wacky!
What is giffgaff? - Giffgaff is a community-led distribution without SIM mobile operator keeps costs low by encouraging members of the community to help develop and execute the business - giffgaff image has an index of customer satisfaction of 84% and a Net Promoter Score of 75% (11 July) - giffgaff has a simple, competitive pricing structure for sim only deals with internet, with absolutely no sting in the tail: - Calls are charged at 10p per minute and 6p by Text - Free Members Member (giffgaff to giffgaff) calls and texts - Competitive rates of international image calls - Free calls to 0800 numbers
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Interview with Ronan Toulhoat by Quartz!! lol [...]

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Mother of a large family, expert technique street fighting, swordsmanship and valves rotten, standing against the zombie threat future .... because without messing it will eventually fall on us ... eh?
Interview with Ronan Toulhoat by Quartz!! lol [...]
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

If Social CRM is rooted maps in the DNA of giffgaff has made the choice to leave the community to m

Giffgaff: a brand community in the heart of the customer relationship - The Social Customer - The Digital Agency The Social CRM Client - The Digital Agency maps CRM
Expertise in - By The TheSocialClient Wednesday, April 18, 2012 - 2 comments
Intervention giffgaff, maps a subsidiary of Telefonica O2, has attracted interest and a series of questions / answers lively at the Salon Customer Strategy, Wednesday 5 April. Vincent Boon, Head of Community, explained the social strategy giffgaff, which finds its roots in the community. Giffgaff is a British telecommunications service whose mission is to market SIM cards. This service is completely virtual apart sending SIM cards, which are, themselves, very real.
The slogan "the mobile network run by you" ("The mobile network run by you") is the heart of this innovative operation, the brand has a relationship of proximity with its customers. For this, the team giffgaff is constantly looking for ways to integrate the community in all its activities: maps for example in the use of the platform of social media management (a platform powered by Lithium) or its crowdsourcing campaigns .
Giffgaff maps advocates a completely social customer maps service, without external intervention and a community that is almost completely self-managing. Today, 75% of customer requests are resolved by the community and the average response time to posts left on the community platform is 3 minutes! The fans are promoting the brand, protect and manage its customer relationship seamlessly on Internet.
Vincent Boon reports "for a client who expressed his dissatisfaction, 25 others do not manifest, even though they may be in a difficult situation. "For a service maps like giffgaff, maps social space is the perfect place to meet gaps, issues and frustrations that are not even raised.
The social aspect of operations giffgaff is also a source of co-creation. Ideas generated by the community are intended to improve the customer experience: recommendations, challenges, games and exchange of best practices emerging from these interactions are beneficial to the brand itself.
Interactions with the community to improve customer satisfaction and optimize the Net Promoter Score (the number of people who would be willing to recommend the brand to others): in this case, almost giffgaff aligns with giants like Google or Apple!
Of course, a customer relationship managed almost entirely by the community is not possible for all brands. It depends on the type of activity, client profile, community capacity ... However, relying on the community even at a lower level is used in all cases to reduce the number of direct contacts with customers, with quality proven treatment and in short time. For this it is necessary maps to develop effective tools animation brand communities.
Vincent Boon gave us some of his secrets to animate the community: Involving members in the brand strategy in the recruitment of other members, in the resolution of customer maps issues Involve members in the drafting and the enriching the knowledge base Allow members the responsibility to ensure compliance during exchanges Feeding feedbacks and ideas of the community to develop the right products.
If Social CRM is rooted maps in the DNA of giffgaff has made the choice to leave the community to meet the stage, other brands in France is launching today in managing their customer relationships with the help their community. This is the case of Sosh B & You, Casino, iDTGV ... examples to observe closely to monitor developments in Social CRM in France.
About TheSocialClient - Digital Agency CRM Acticall group blog TheSocialClient is moving on news and views from our experts in digital customer relationship, social CRM and social media
This blog is dedicated to the professional Digital CRM. To speak directly to your internet service provider, we invite you to contact them through their community spaces like Facebook.
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In the same category

Hi! I'm a reknown SIM card seller on eBay (more than 300 positive feedbacks). Salut ! Je suis également présent sur eBay (pseudo "iannanico"), où j'ai plus de 300 évaluations positives. ------------------------------------------------------------ You can order a dual SIM (standard & micro) or a nano SIM (for an iPhone 5 or iPad mini). Formats disponibles à la commande : double SIM (standard & micro) et nano SIM (pour iPhone 5 & iPad mini). ------------------------------------------------------------ If you get one SIM from me and you do a first top up of 10 minimum, giffgaff adds 5! Grâce à mon parrainage, pour toute première recharge d'un minimum de 10 , giffgaff vous offre 5 de crédit supplémentaire ! ------------------------------------------------------------ antivirus gratis 1 per card, paid in BTC. Free worldwide shipping! 1 par carte, payable en BTC. Frais de port offerts vers toute destination ! ------------------------------------------------------------ Feel free to email me on my BitMessage address: Vous pouvez me contacter sur mon adresse BitMessage antivirus gratis : BM-2cXyhvk8PjV9WmCxjvNRzwBmLN2bpGw8oS antivirus gratis
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

thou hast no need of undeads to ca!

Undead: The Zombie pub giffgaff
News Categories Animals Art Dance Experience Fake War Humour Image Internet Music Video Games Uncategorized NSFW Owned Pub Health Sports Technology Transportation Trash TV & Cinema WTF? Zapping Forum
Zombies arriving by the hundreds in an English village, the locals are so panicked and an incredible turnaround will then occur. Undead is an advertisement for English telephone friends operator giffgaff directed by Matthias Hoene.
Before publishing your comment: friends No first / up / like / flood and other "games" of this type. No insults, mockery, discrimination between members. No links / images to porn or violent content. No avatars or usernames to displaced connotations. friends Having a respectable behavior vis-à-vis the visitors. Thank you remain polite and tolerant in the debates. If these rules were to be disregarded, your account (regardless of age) can be banned.
Such :)
Previously on The Walking Dead! -_-...
hahahahaahaha the most irrelevant comment on a video unrelated and the most useless character. Congratulations despite your weak up and down your few you made me laugh!
thou hast no need of undeads to ca!
This appearance is great, thank you!
The last of us nice release!
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- The prices tweeter are very attractive. Packages called

Giffgaff package of unbeatable mobile phone in England tweeter | London Weekend
After several searches, the standard operators tweeter asked me for proof of address and other documents that I could not provide because I had just arrived in England. Then I overheard talk giffgaff (waiting in the laundry sometimes benefits).
- The prices tweeter are very attractive. Packages called "Goodybags" are varied. I pay 12 pounds for 250 minutes or more than 4 hours, unlimited SMS and unlimited internet. Of course you can opt for smaller tweeter or bigger. tweeter The "data" packages are also available tweeter which can be useful if you have just arrived in the country and you want to have internet on your tablet.
- No commitment necessary while traditional packages offered by competitors as asking France 12-24 month commitment. You renew your monthly plan, you can opt for an automatic renewal to avoid doing it manually every month.
These are the clients themselves called "giffgaff members" to help you in case of problems with the forum. I had some problems to configure my phone and the members were very responsive. No need to stay hanging on the telephone hotline for hours.
Giffgaff offers recently selling phones but otherwise you can use your laptop provided it is unlocked. Mine was unlocked but I have the impression that the site provides information on the procedures to unlock your mobile.
To subscribe to this is very simple just order a SIM card on their site. Once received you choose your package on their website. You pay at this time. You go through the banner below, tweeter I am of the bonus to pay my subscription for you it's the same. I prefer to be transparent.
This entry was posted on Sunday, December 8th, 2013 at 5:49 p.m. and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow responses to this entry Any through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Monday, December 16, 2013

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

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1 Introduction, packaging 2 Exterior 3 Hardware, speed 4 Software, 411 services 5 Data transfer, 411 phone, net 6 Multimedia 7 Running, summary 8 Specification Test - Posted by: Bocha | 2012-11-15 10:26 The Finns could be the first Windows Phone 8 device is king, but too big a hurry to succeed in difficult instrument.
It's hard to do it to Nokia. No, this is not the general text of the weak financial results 411 and the dying Symbianról, this article provides about the Lumia 920 to the Finns first smartphone based on Windows Phone 8 system, 411 which is currently considered to be the company's flagship. And it's hard to do with the Nokia, as the device is surrounded by as much interest, followed by As big little device lately. Many people have called this tool the latest iPhone killer, which is obviously silly considering that the iPhone will not necessarily be meggyilkolnia anyone and now does not necessarily have all of Apple's smartphone product of hasonlítgatni. However, it is conceivable that Nokia has with the series is the last chance to drum be one, because the Lumia 800 (and its small promoter stack) are big spoke, but not nearly as significant to the former market leaders pulled out from the hole towards which is currently underway.
The problem is that using the Windows Phone operating system, it can be hard to distinguish yourself in a manufacturer or device if the version number 411 is not seven, but eight. Despite improved a lot since the Microsoft system and made it sophisticated, personalized authority is practically all you could accomplish that you can choose from 20 color template instead of 10 tiles and the size can be adjusted within certain limits. This means that the Windows Phone 8 devices will continue to look the same, which has its advantages 411 and Microsoft, it is a positive control (not random, they found out), but the Lumia 920 position is very difficult. Mainly because the HTC model with a time to market and spleen 411 was not very bad. So much so that the Windows Phone 8X by HTC Windows Phone 8 platform has become the official reference device, which obviously plays a role in the way that Nokia rogyása his knees would not be wrong to Microsoft, but the device's 411 capabilities also tells a lot of things.
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Friday, December 13, 2013

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

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