Friday, May 1, 2015

After defining the points presented above we will have a good starting point to define a course of

Today we start with the first of four articles on operations in Facebook, abandon paranoia mental and try to understand what to do in practice. It states that opened a Facebook page to get an audience which tell only their promotions is useless. Useless. Facebook is a means of entertainment, where users browse seeking distraction and fun, where trust must be won. If every now and then they read that the 30% discount on my products / services, the better.
Design a strategy in itself click fraud is a complex business. Design a strategy for success is not only a different story but also depends on factors that the strategy in the strict sense have nothing to do: the average investment is certainly one of these, as mentioned in this article. The strategy is therefore a set of factors that combined together helps us to make decisions on the management style of the profile and helps us define our digital identity. The main points of our strategy will be: Knowing your marketing objectives. Why I decided to open a page on FB? I set myself click fraud goals for this page? Really I want to have direct contact with my users? Knowing the target. Whom should I contact? Use the right medium for your audience. We are confident that both the Social FB which is my audience? The medium is suitable for the type of content that can produce? Create a "social personality" of the brand. What is the image that I want others to have of me? He is a brand friend, sympathetic, authoritarian ...? Create an editorial plan. What do I mean? Weight that promotions must be within the plan? Try, dare, measure and adjust.
After defining the points presented above we will have a good starting point to define a course of action that will lead us to start our adventure company with greater reason, leaving little improvisation that often is not the harbinger of good performance. Obviously the advantage of being on a digital medium allows a high degree of measurement results click fraud and this consequently leads to ourselves, let's say at least once a month (if more often, the better), a fundamental question: how do I rate my efforts? I reached my goals? Because the post did not work like the others? What are the most propitious to post?

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