Tuesday, May 5, 2015

One thing that apparently, according to the numbers of depression from Facebook prodavalnik that ha

Depression from Facebook. Things first: many argue that true friends see in times of difficulty. Others, perhaps rightly, said the opposite: a true friend is not what is there to compassionate prodavalnik when you're sick, but what he can enjoy his success without envy you when you are riding high.
One thing that apparently, according to the numbers of depression from Facebook prodavalnik that have recently been made public, can really very few. Facebook is a virtual keyhole. Used by many to spy, investigate, gossiping and aggiornasi life that is led by friends and acquaintances. And so far, it's all (or almost) regular.
Except that Facebook it can be used in two ways: as a tool of social sharing and work or as a means of unhealthy desire to spy on others. And it is here that the phenomenon of depression comes into play.
A study, published in the journal Computers in Human, prodavalnik revealed that for an increasing number of people the showcase of friends, or acquaintances, Facebook is checked daily, hour after hour, all the time, creating users in competition against content that we often forget, are several times unreal, virtual, or at least modified by users, perhaps unconsciously, to try to give the outside a certain self-image. prodavalnik
Many people, therefore, prodavalnik through Facebook when they see that their friends live happy moments, enjoy success at work or have a fulfilling love life, experience a strong envy that can generate, over time, a real form of depression . Depression by Facebook, of course.
And then it all stops. Let's prodavalnik step back. We use Facebook to chat, pick up, keep in touch with friends old and new. Let's use for work, and why not, "spy" that girl or that guy that we like so much. But everything remains within the limits.
Second, on Facebook are written prodavalnik so many lies, and you know it you're reading this article, that perhaps if you are unemployed and see your classmate in elementary posting photos of a Ferrari and maybe even write that this is the His car, consulates. In 99% of cases it is not true. You remain unemployed. But he is almost certainly a Cazzaro.
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