Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I just finished internet explorer 8 a brief conversation internet explorer 8 with Teal and I must s

So it's out. After several days of communication, I managed to arrange an interview with this very likeable person. Her videos have a few days thousands of views and information it harmonizes with very large numbers of people to the fact you add in her unmistakable charm and we have a nice example of "inspirational teacher"
So you can begin to enjoy and of course send me questions that you would like to ask her, is open to any subject, it is only by me (us) what direction the conversation go. Questions can write either under this article, or to my email nova.zem5 @
I just finished internet explorer 8 a brief conversation internet explorer 8 with Teal and I must say it is incredible. I had an interview before a little respect, but as soon as she spoke it faded. Unlike the movies, where power and not laughing or does not show much emotion, so in normal conversation is smiling still, at least thus now so it is a lot talkative. We agreed to 2h interview and I think you will download. We are already looking forward to it. Who has sent a question, feel free to send. Time to answer should be enough.
So it's done. The end it elongated to more than 3 hours. Questions were even so all the answers, which I regret, but the whole interview is worth it. It was quite incredible, the whole, you'll understand when you see it. Already beginning surprised internet explorer 8 me when she told me that sees only energy that we can not see how, material things, etc., and that when people describe her as we see, so that it came to strange internet explorer 8 and scary :). Questions that were asked were answered in depth, but as I said, all is not received because of that, especially when I then guard time and I thought that it will end, so I had to skip some and ask those on the topic the issues that came up. Food and everything associated with it. As we discussed a little after the time limit 2h and as I expected it to end any minute, so I asked more questions that interested me. And then it became even more interesting when I noticed how her eyes change with different answers. Then explain to me why this is so. Information, but in the last hour will not digestible for everyone
Hello George, thank you for the great news is that already can not wait 28.3.2013. We have questions: 1) How do you perceive Teal and visible physical immortality (I do not mean that the soul is immortal, but there just the physical ability to live hundreds of years)? 2) What should we do in order to activate our natural abilities (telepathy, etc.)? I feel that we are on the right path, trying to eat raw diet, cleanse the body, pozvedout vibration .. What more we can do? You can speed up the process? thanks sundew.
Hello, I look forward to talking with Teal I would ascribed internet explorer 8 to his question: I have read that when zhomtonovani internet explorer 8 a manifestation of our thoughts in our reality except the mere thought (their content vibrations internet explorer 8 that follow on the basis of the ideas radiate ..) enters very significantly throughout the process of unconscious-which may be of different blocks, trauma who are unaware and do not perceive them (even that some such inadvertently blocks, we can still have attached the prenatal period). The articles that I read was the idea that it is these blocks unconsciously, unintentionally formula vv zhotnovani us very inhibit our thoughts, in essence, they always "wins" the subconscious. I wonder how does it Nazo Teal and if we ourselves subconsciously internet explorer 8 some neg.bloky, who had no idea of how they detect and process? If you would come so significantly to "game" the unconscious we are really my only one creators of our reality? thank you beautiful
Thank you again Marie
Good day. Thank you very much for such a great idea ... Question for Teal: 1 How to best tune / open wisdom, the needs of our body and soul? 2 It makes sense and it's not - something to accelerate? Thank you again very much :-) ... and BEAUTIFUL DAY TO ALL
Mirka Hladíková of 19 March 2013 about 7:38 said:
Hi Jurko, beautiful message, thank you very much for mediation. Question for Teal: 1 How do I know that I am connected, I'm talking really your true self? 2 We look forward to Teal held a lecture I should be with us? George, once again big thanks for your work. Beautiful day to all.
George, thank you for the opportunity to ask a few questions Teal. I would like to ask how Teal perceived den 21.12.2012 in terms of human development, internet explorer 8 as at this day it took place, and if she heard that the portal to higher dimensions is closed March 31. Could do to please say a few words?
Hello. I would be extremely interested Tealin view of mental disorders-what it is, how they arise and according internet explorer 8 to whether it exists at all. I have in fact been treated and diagnosed with schizophrenia for many years. Thanks PS: You're super channel on YT.
Hello, I want to ask: How to be a real woman? How to work with anger and other negative emotions and when it did not hurt herself or others. Thank you very much Teal, for being here for us. George, thank you very much.
1 How Teal sees the importance of cleaning E

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