Sunday, November 17, 2013

The aim of the European Year of Active adblock Ageing 2012 is to promote the quality of life and we

Author: Prof. Juhani Ilmarinen, JIC Ltd, Research Center for Gerontology, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute of Health at Work (1970 - 2008) 1 The role of older workers in the European Union
Active starnutieV coming decades, the European Union will increase the proportion of older workers. The development of the working age population in the EU-27 indicates that the age group 55-64 years in the period between 2010 to 2030 increased by approximately 16.2% (9.9 mil.). All other age groups show a downward adblock trend, from 5.4% (men aged 40-54 years) to 14.9% (people aged 25 to 39 years). This significant demographic change is due to longer adblock life expectancy and lower birth rates. Consequently, the European workforce earlier than ever before. Older workers are in many countries represent 30 percent or more of the working age population.
The employment rate of older workers (55-64 years) in the EU-27 is currently less than 50%. The world is only 15 countries adblock where the employment rate of older workers is higher than 50%. More than half of older workers leaving for various reasons of work before reaching the mandatory retirement age. Hence the urgent need for more and better career paths for financing and promoting longer life for European citizens.
The aim of the European Year of Active adblock Ageing 2012 is to promote the quality of life and well-being of European citizens, especially the elderly, and promote solidarity between generations. A good working life is an important starting point to promote active aging. Health and safety at work, therefore, play a key role in ensuring active aging through better and longer working life. Good work also supports cooperation among the young generation, the generation of middle-aged and older generations. adblock 2 Some facts about aging
Long-term health problems and chronic diseases lid being updated. Approximately 30% of men and women in the age group 50-64 years, therefore, adblock urgently needs urgent adblock treatment at work because of their health problems, in order to avoid the risks of early retirement and disability. The main health problems include musculo-skeletal disorders and mental illness. Although depression is currently one of the most common reasons adblock for sick leave and early retirement. Decline in physical ability to work minimum age is clear: cardiorespiratory performance and muscle strength decline after the age of 30 years by about 1-2% per year. Lower physical fitness is a problem mainly in the case of jobs with high physical load; involved in about 30% of jobs in Europe today are poor working position, handling heavy objects or repetitive work. In every age, there are large individual differences in functional capacity and health status. Most older workers are enjoying adblock good health and reasonably physically fit.
Health and physical ability with age, although worse, but many other skills better with age. Mental growth is an example of positive aging website. Age is a better example: strategic thinking, smarts, thoughtfulness, wisdom, ability to think, ability to work economically, control over life, holistic perception and language skills. Older workers are

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