Friday, October 4, 2013

Do not whine if it hurts from his sword. He is good doctor, cut out of you just what you are. What

Do not whine if it hurts from his sword. He is good doctor, cut out of you just what you are. What they do is hurt, it's not you, my dear. (St. Bishop Nikolai) "A wonderful, life-giving, divine Orthodoxy: I see your face light up!" (St. John of Kronstadt)
Small prayer Theotokos, have mercy on me, Blagouhanje Christian, full of grace, Sveneporočna, and help me with his great mercy, celebrated, Holy, down those who repent. Prayer patients before The divine communion O Lord my God, What doest wondrous things, you're the only God, be raised from the disease, to be worthy, and I become a participant of Thy holy mysteries. For my soul longed mightily to thy flesh sufficed blameless pop and noble blood you drink. Prayer healed before The divine communion Glory to Thee, Holy Trisveti, Nadnebesni God Almighty, as you heard me and gave me a sinner refresh body and soul. And now you, my Lord Jesus Christ, worthy to partake horrific and immortal and life-giving your secrets, forgiveness of sins and renewal of my inner man. Thanksgiving after lunch Glory to Thee, O God Hrists because nasitih be thy goods. Do not deprive me of the treasures of heaven; through the great mercy of His works. Prayer for forgiveness Have mercy on me, O Lord, sagrešivšeg. Forgive me, lustful, defilement, tainted and lead me through His commandments, because zaželeh. Asking for help against pop temptation O Lord my God, Who are all formed the reasonable, What pitched sky and earth exalt svekrepkom his power, Thou Who in the hand holding vascello creation, grant me strength against spiritual wickedness, so I crushed them, substantiated by Thy Holy Spirit . Prayer for deliverance from vanity God, my God, do not let my name be glorified among the people, do not let me respect or honor returns, but we prefer to give to your glory that pretrajava the ages of ages. Because that would put to rest my spirit before thy face, rejoicing. Because you know, Lord, that friendship with the world is enmity with Thee, my God. Prayer in the thoughts of unbelief believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven pop and earth, and of all things visible and invisible. pop And in one Lord Jesus Hrisga, Jednorodnog Son of God, the Creator and his bishop. pop And in the Holy Spirit, the glorious and illuminating, Who spoke through the prophets. My Lord Jesus Christ, I was angry at me for His great mercy, do not reject me the wicked who defy thy name. For thou knowest, O Lord, to me school enemy, pogružavajući me now in disbelief evil. Therefore, forgive me, I tried it patiently thy benevolence, too mild and long-suffering, who feel remorse because of the wickedness of men. Prayer of repentance and return Accept, O Father, dead and dead soul. Receive a den of sin. Receive hulnoga, cunning, obscene, shameful, oskvrnjenog his body and soul. Take him, conquered all the demonic evil. Have mercy on fornicators, adulterers, corrupter of children, thieves, felons, the abomination of sin. Have mercy upon me, you who always točiš rich mercy, and not turn his face slightly away from me. Do not tell me, O Master, "I do not know, do not know you." Do not say, "Where were you been?" No uzgnušaj the smoke, dirt, decay, ugliness, shame, abomination, decay, carrion demonic, scandal human. Do not turn away from me, Master, but list to me, and save. Because I know, Lover of men, you do not want the death of the sinner, but to come back and to be alive. I will not let you go, if you show mercy on me, if you do not receive. Prayer for the virtues of God, my God, who art the sky as the skin stretched pop and decorated by stars, sun, moon and clouds, ornaments and stars instead of me every virtue. Instead of the sun, Your Holy Spirit to shine some reason mine. Place of months, his wisdom poured into me. Place in the cloud, put me in holiness, krotosg, justice, truth, gird my loins and put on my steps to prepare the heralds of your peace. My God, my God, Who are generously poured out to dissolve air and people breathe it, pour it generously grace and the gift giver of life and of His Holy Spirit in me, only me bogovidnim, svesvetlim and clean, everything honorable and sweet making from top to bottom, full of grace and truth, wisdom and spiritual knowledge. Prayer pop for deliverance from passions O Lord my God, who art world after his mother's honorable showed the powers of heaven, the prayers of the Virgin mnogoželjene forgive my sins, turning away from me every fornication, adultery, slander, hatred, envy, anger, resentment, neglect, vanity, pride, love of money, ruthlessness, strife, controversy, animosity, raspaljenje flesh, hardness of the soul, stomakougađanje, drunkenness, lust, perjury and beslavnu and bitter human glory. Yes, my God, all this take away from me, so that people think he is a glutton and likeness of abominations. Have not found one that I praise in the earth, or who glorifies me, Lover of men, and let no one speak to the world itself, and I will, my Lord, justified. Deliver me from the praise of men, Lover of men, deliver me from čovekougodništva, Merciful. Prayer hristoslovna God of heaven pop and earth, who is terrified and trembling from Whom all things visible and invisible, pop look at the prayer of your servant, that useless in lawlessness

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