Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Holy Eucharist is the continuation of the Last Supper when Christ gave His Holy Body and Blood

Holy Thursday | Blog Transfiguration
At the Last Supper Christ said I am the way and the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father except through me. St. John Chrysostom says that the Lord under the words meant: "Since I am the way, you do not need another guide to take you to our heavenly Father. And as I live, and when you die, will gain eternal life. "
Christ's incarnation, for us men, became pure and holy way that leads to the upper Jerusalem. It is enough to walk through math games the exercise of command, which the Lord, the Orthodox believe in Christ, who is Truth, and to continually hope in Him who is the Life. Speaking to His disciples, having perfected the Last Supper, Christ called Himself the Vine, I am the true vine. And after a while he repeated: I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because math games without me you can do nothing. According math games to Cyril, this union with Christ is achieved keeping math games the commandments of His saints and by participating in the mystery of the Holy Eucharist.
As we branch united with the Lord, and from Him we receive through the Holy Communion, true life. Christ is the grain of wheat and grapes of life that is sacrificed for the resurrection of every person, when yields of His Holy Body and Blood of His Most Holy as "the bread of eternal life," and as the drink that brings immortality.
Christ math games is the true light that enlightens and sanctifies every person who resorted to him. Let us pray to Him to enlighten us and indescribable light of Thy countenance, so we really went through that he did, and that the end of our journey is life eternal math games with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Holy Eucharist
After the baptism of the holy man is born again in Christ and the Holy chrismation begin to live spiritually, math games and then followed by the need to be fed spiritually to uzrastao in Christ. And this happens participation novoprosvetljenoga the table of life, that is. in the Holy Eucharist.
Secret of the Holy Eucharist is the secret of life in Christ. This mystery made perfect celebrant. Therefore, we the faithful who participate together in the Sacred Liturgy, math games "in some ways an outstanding look at the poverty of Jesus, the presence on earth of Him who holds every seat, Blessed mockery, suffering math games Nestradalnog. We look at how people hated him and how much he loved them, how much, and how he was humbled Himself. "
The sacred liturgy is the constant presence of Christ math games among us. She is an icon of the life of Christ. In the liturgy we see that Christ is born in Bethlehem, who is baptized in the Jordan, who taught in Galilee, miracles, was crucified at Calvary and was resurrected on the third day of life-giving Sepulchre.
The sacred liturgy is composed of two parts. math games The first part begins exclamation: "Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Followed by input (entrance) Holy Gospel, and ends with the reading of sacred scriptures. For a small entry solemnly entered the holy Gospel message that contains letters of God to man. This is part of the Holy Eucharist when the faithful, with the fear of God, faith and love, fellowship with the Word of God.
The second part of the Divine Liturgy begins with a big entrance. Then follows the practice of religion, sacred glorification (anaphora), invocation (epiclesis) of the Holy Spirit, the sanctification of the Gifts of honorable and holy communion. The second part of the Holy Eucharist Holy Gifts are transferred to the holy altar. Your gifts are then sanctified, and then give it to the faithful for the forgiveness math games of sins and eternal life.
The Holy Eucharist is the continuation of the Last Supper when Christ gave His Holy Body and Blood of His Reverend food to the faithful. Saint Chrysostom says: "Believe me, it is the sacred liturgy is the same (secret) dinner where Christ is present. The sacred liturgy is in no way different from the Last Supper ... This sacred temple is the upper room where the disciples were Christ. "
In the central part of the Holy Eucharist the celebrant says, "You own from his own tribute, of all and for all." In the liturgy, Trinitarian God, offer up what he himself has made. Bring the Holy Gifts, the bread and wine are His own offering of love for the man. A man expresses thanksgiving to the Lord, offering him the same gifts.
These gifts, which have become the means of transmitting the blessings of God to man, now become the means of transmission of human thanksgiving to God. At the same time, these gifts are sanctified and become the Body and Blood of Christ. So become a visible sign of Christ's math games presence math games among us.
Holy sacrifice of the Eucharist, Christ returns to our salvation. God so loved man that He gave His only begotten Son "to show his love, which transcends all. With the death of His only begotten Son, drew us to Himself. I think he had something more important than his son made it for us, the human race closer math games to Himself. " The sacrifice of Christ is the manifestation of the divine love.
For this divine love, which constantly gives the secret of the Holy Eucharist, we Christians are obliged to respond to the love of the One who first loved us. Fall in love with him and the way that the force should be and how to love him. This love, says St. John Chrysostom, "is the glory and honor of the man. She sveblaženstvo. " math games May God give you all the behind

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